We’ve had some “buggy” drives but our recent drive to Bend, OR for a wedding ranks up there as one of the buggiest. We joked that each of us had one good spot left on the windshield so we better not get another bug before we got to the campground.
Most of the time we clean the windshield as soon as we get set up in our campsite. And by we, I mean Mark. He’s taller and can reach the top of the windshield much easier than I can. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. If we arrive later in the day or the windshield is hot from the sun, he’ll do it the next morning.
Aero Cosmetics is truly wonderful stuff for cleaning the RV. We found it at a Good Sam rally in Phoenix. The stuff is amazing and is as good as advertised. There are scrubbers, microfiber cloths, poles and all the tools you need to get the job done and keep your coach looking brand new. The cloths are super easy to clean afterward; just toss them in the washer. I don’t put them in the dryer, though. Not sure why; I guess I could if I needed to.
This trip to Bend was a messy one for the entire coach. We drove through a ten-mile section of road construction that looked like we’d driven 100 miles on a dirt road when we were through. The road construction was loose gravel with sections of freshly applied oil. The back of the coach and Jeep were filthy, just gross. This was going to be a big job so we saved it for the morning.
The sun wasn’t beating down on the windshield so he started there. First, he sprayed bug remover on the lower part of the front and let it soak while he used the wash/wax on the windshield. A little elbow grease with the scrubber sponge and the blue microfiber cloth that came with the kit and viola, no more bugs on the windshield. That soaking time on the lower part of the front was the perfect amount of time and in a matter of minutes the entire front was as bright and clean as it should be.
Oh man, the back was dirty. Thankfully it was just dust from the gravel in the construction zone. This is where the “we” part of cleaning comes in. To save him from going up and down the ladder, I became the “chief cloth rinser”. After he’d gotten the loose dust off, he cleaned it with the Wash/Wax All from the Aero Kit. It’s an easy process and whoever came up with this idea was a genius. Literally, it’s as easy as spray on the wet side of the cleaning cloth; wipe it on the wipe it off with the dry side. In no time, the back looked as good as the front.

Here are some more before and after pictures of his wonderful handiwork.