Our home base for this Yellowstone visit was Bridge Bay Campground. We stayed at Fishing Bridge on our last visit twenty years ago but, it’s still closed for renovations. Bridge Bay was a wonderful place to stay while exploring the splendor of Yellowstone. Since we are longer than 36-feet Mark had to call for reservations. …
Author: Maureen
Yellowstone 2.0
In 1872, Yellowstone became the first national park in the United States when President Ulysses S. Grant signed the National Park Protection Act into law. Since then, millions of people from around the world have experienced the wonder of nature. Count us as part of those millions, we’ve been twice and I know we’ll be…
ABC Avocado-Bacon-Cheese Chicken Thighs
Ooohhhh, last night’s dinner was one of those amazing and delicious happy accidents. Chicken thighs topped with bacon and provolone on the grill then topped with fresh sliced avocado. Say it with me: YUM We’ve had a similar chicken dish for years as a sandwich. The grocery store had a buy one, get two…
Four Year Blogversary!
It’s a big day in our corner of the world! Today is our 4-year blogversary! A huge thank you to each and every one of you who have followed along on this trip with us. We couldn’t have done it without you!
Sun Outdoors San Diego Bay
Move over Chula Vista RV Resort, there’s a new player in town. Many of you know that the land Chula Vista RV Resort is on will be redeveloped soon with restaurants, hotels and more. What you may not know, is that the developers set aside land for a new RV park in it’s place. That…
Zucchini Cakes
Attention in the building! We have joined the Blackstone craze. Mark wanted a 22-inch Blackstone for Father’s Day, we had a nice little scavenger hunt finding the one he wanted in stock. Wife of the year here, we bought it at Walmart, those that know me well know how much I dislike that place. He’s…
Pesto Pasta Salad
I was scrolling through my Instagram feed recently and saw a delicious picture. Like, wow, I have to make this today because it looks so good kinda picture. Not less than an hour later I received a text from our dear friends inviting us over for a BBQ that Saturday. Fate I tell ya. Today’s…
Deb’s Famous Broccoli Salad
Cue to Father’s Day probably 15 years ago. It’s pool party time with several friends and neighbors for our annual BBQ. Sometimes the number of people change but one thing remains the same; really good food. The guys cook for us on Mother’s Day but Mark insists on manning the BBQ for Father’s Day. Okay,…
Marinated Cucumber Salad
There I was, flipping through recipe books and scrolling through my All-Star board on Pinterest, looking. Looking for something to make. We were getting ready for trip to Happy Jack in the cool pines of Arizona and I was stumped. I’m not liking the scale right now so I was looking for something that was…
Pineapple Cake Mix Cookies
I love cake mix cookies, especially in the RV. They are quick and easy to make and really good. You can turn pretty much any cake mix into a cookie. Some of my favorites are Red Red Velvet Cake Mix Cookies and Easy Cake Mix Cookies. Today’s cookies are born from a shopping mistake. First…