Today our wonderful country turns 243! However you celebrate this day, take a moment to think of those amazing people who came together to make this great place called the United States of America.
Author: Maureen
Patriotic Jello Parfaits
Watch it wiggle, see it jiggle, it’s Jello brand gelatin. Jello is such a fun and easy dessert. Fancy Jello desserts make their appearance every year during the holidays but they are sometimes forgotten the rest of the year in our house. If you’re looking to get your kids involved in the kitchen, making Jello…
O Canada!
Our first trip to Canada in our motor home was part of our three-week cross-country trek. We left Arizona as soon as Jeff’s last baseball playoff game was over and hit the road. To quote the song from Smokey and the Bandit, “We had a long way to go and a short time to get…
Vineyards RV Park
When people tell you Texas Hill Country is pretty, believe them. They are 100% telling the truth. There are a few RV parks to choose from in Fredericksburg. Our choice was The Vineyards of Fredericksburg RV Park because we’d read good things and vineyard RV parks in other wine country areas have been winners. We…
Downtown Fredericksburg
As I’ve said many times, I love me some little downtown areas. I love walking up and down the streets, especially ones with old western boardwalks, and learning the histories of these places. Downtown Fredericksburg, in the heart of Texas Hill Country, ranks near the top of all the downtown places we’ve been. Many of…
Cheesy Garlic Asparagus
Mark has been anti-vegetable for as long as I’ve known him. Yeah, there were a few he would eat; peas, corn, potatoes and artichokes but that was pretty much it. Early in our marriage he added salad to his repertoire, but only iceberg. He called it a Honeymooners Salad, lettuce alone. Insert hysterical laughter here….
Happy Father’s Day
Today we celebrate all the dads. Whether you are a dad, stepdad, grandpa, uncle or father figure, thank you for all you do. Give him an extra hug today.
Pristine Clean Vents & Fans
I have looked at my vent fans with angst for a while. I’ve vacuumed them and wiped them with a wet cloth more times than I can count and still they snicker back at me with the remaining dirt. The screen in the bathroom fan holds one pesky pine needle that I swear is laughing…
Sam’s Egg Salad
As far back as I can remember, my dad has made egg salad sandwiches. We had these glass bowls that were white on the inside and an odd light orange on the outside that he used to dice up the eggs. I remember it like it was yesterday. I wish he still had those bowls. …
We dubbed our trek across Texas The Presidential Drive. We drove east across Texas on a mission. We had two days to get from Arizona to Georgia for the FMCA Rally which meant little time for stopping. But, a wonderful thing happened in the early morning as we left Van Horn, TX. Mark agreed to…