Cancer reared its ugly head in our house in 2015. Like everyone that hears that dreaded word, it stopped me dead in my tracks. I found a lump in my neck and thought it was a swollen lymph node as I’d just had bronchitis. No worries, I’ll just go to the doctor and I’m sure…
Chicken Noodle Soup
It’s finally cooling off! We needed sunblock this weekend putting out Christmas lights up and Tuesday’s high was a glorious 66 degrees in our backyard! We even had .04 inches of rain, first rain in 103 days. it smelled so good. Such is life in the desert. Since the weather was finally cooperating, it was…
Pies Pies Pies (and crust)!
Mmmmm, pie. Pumpkin pie, apple pie, chocolate cream pie, lemon meringue pie…I could go on and on. Along with soup, pie is something I could eat year round. And it all starts with the crust. Light and flaky that doesn’t overpower the tasty filling. A nice golden brown crust edge is the perfect frame for…
Ugh! Generator Fumes
Ugh is right. You’re tailgating the rivalry football game or camping at a rally and the guy next to you fires up his generator. Not a big deal until you are getting asphyxiated by his generator exhaust. Who has experienced this? Who has been “that guy?” Living on the face of the sun, aka Arizona,…
Flags are flying!
Flying your favorite flag high above your RV isn’t just for NASCAR anymore. We fly our flags when riding in the desert so it’s easier to find camp when we get close. This was really handy when the boys were younger. We’d let them ride around the area close to camp and the rule was…
Parmesan & Pesto Chicken
Mmmmm, pesto. I love the smell of it, the taste of it, everything about it. And it’s so easy to make. I like the recipe inside the fresh basil pack at my local Fry’s. I’ve killed one too many basil plants so now I buy it as I need it and their Simple Truth Organic…
Jack Pads
Let’s talk jacks. With our Phaeton, gone are the days of driving up on the plastic lego-like or homemade wooden blocks to get us level. Now it’s a simple push of the button and we are set. But, the surface we camp on sometimes needs better support, especially on asphalt or dirt. And, let’s face…
Happy Thanksgiving!
From our family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving! May you have a wonderful time with those you love.
Paradise Bakery Sugar Cookies!
I have been thinking about these cookies. Really thinking about them. Like, eating breakfast thinking of them. Training for the upcoming 1/2 marathon thinking of them. Thinking of our desert Thanksgiving menu. Walking through the grocery store thinking of them. I have sugar cookies on the brain! My son and his fiance won’t be joining…
Easy Apple Crisp
I went to my first kitchen party not long after we got married. The company isn’t in business anymore, I think Pampered Chef cornered the market and squeezed them out. I still have the items I bought 20+ years later. One thing I use over and over again from that party is this Apple Crisp…