Cool breeze, check. Ocean view, check. Hearing the waves crash, double-check. Growing up in Southern California, Orange County specifically, I was lucky to spend many days at the beach. My dad and I spent many Sunday afternoons at Newport Beach after church. My Aunt Nancy lived on Balboa Island when I was little and I…
Sweet & Salty Snack
Who doesn’t love a good snack? Snacks are a key part of any trip whether you’re in a car, truck, minivan or RV. When the boys were little, we were fully stocked in the snack department. Protein snacks, sweet snacks, salty snacks; we had it all. You know what, that hasn’t really changed. I still…
Easy Meatball Sandwiches
Is there anything better than being gone all day, hopefully having a blast, and coming back to dinner ready? I don’t think so. Picture this: You’re camping with friends at the Colorado River. Your days are filled with boat rides, water skiing, wake boarding, floating down the river and your evenings are filled with a…
Magic Folding Ladder
Honey, do we need the ladder? When we had our class C the answer was always no. Mark is super tall and nothing was out of his reach besides the fact we had virtually nowhere except inside to store it. I suppose we could have tied it to the roof access ladder in the back…
Honey Butter Potatoes
I love sweet potatoes. Yes, I mean love. Not as much as chocolate but close. They are my “chocolate” vegetable. I eat them baked and plain. I don’t even put butter or brown sugar or melted marshmallows on them, just plain. I like them in a casserole, candied like Aunt Loretta does them, mashed and…
The Marvelous TrackMat
I’m standing on the proverbial rooftop shouting the good news of this most awesome item that every RV needs. I’m serious. This mat is all that and more. It all started last November while I was reading the latest Motor home magazine. Tucked away on page 66 in their Tech Savvy section was this must-have…
Pumpkin Sugar Cookies
We’re about halfway through the “all things pumpkin spice” season. My Pinterest feed is full of pumpkin spice this and pumpkin spice that. I won’t be surprised to see a pumpkin spice turkey recipe next. Don’t get me wrong, I love me some pumpkin; just not pumpkin everything. Except for these cookies. These cookies are…
Mashed Potatoes with Bacon & Cheddar Cheese
We’re knocking on Halloween’s door and about to enter the annual Eat-a-Thon that is the holiday season. I can’t be the only one that looks around wondering where the heck 2017 went. I mean seriously, wasn’t January just last week?! Halloween not only means costumes, decorations, parties and trick-or-treaters; but it also means it’s time…
Aunt Petti’s Cornbread Casserole
I just love old family recipes. They are tried and true and make great memories come to mind every time I make them. This one reminds me of Thanksgiving. Mark’s Aunt Petti did Thanksgiving for the family. Sometimes 40 people; her door was always open. My first Thanksgiving at her house was as a 19-year-old…
Return to Beautiful Bryce Canyon
Bryce Canyon is a place I can got back to over and over again and enjoy it just as much as the first time. Our last trip there was just this summer. We’d spent several days riding the RZR on the Paiute Trail and finished the trip with a few days at Bryce. If you…